Friday, October 7, 2011

Help Google Pick the Best Latin Games

Sometimes, I agree with Google. I just googled “Typing Games for Kids” and number one is a page with 20 different typing gameson the Kids Learning Games website. It is a great collection of keyboarding games. I only regret that when I learned to type, it was with boring exercises on a typewriter.

Play typing challenge 2

Keyboarding Games

Play Typing Monster

Play Numpad Kenny Game
But, I don’t agree with Google’s choice of the best Latin learning games. I think the best set of Latin games are on’s site but Google has them listed on the third page. Here’s where you can help! First, try these games and see if you think they’re fun and effective. If so, you should help Google rate them higher. 
To help move these games up in the search engines, and to help your friends find them, you should share the page to your Facebook page or tweet about it. You could also link to the page from your website or blog. This all helps Google decide to move the site up in the engine. It’s yourcivilis officium (civic duty) to lend Google a hand.
BTW, do you know any Latin? I’ll bet that you might surprise yourself. You might find that you know more than you thought! For example, I bet you already know that status quo is Latin for the current state of affairs. And I’ll give you this thought pro bono (without charge). You’ll soon see that Latin roots are sine quanon (indispensable). Especially if you want to graduate magna cum laude (with high honors).

Monday, July 4, 2011

UnScramble, the Word Games

On, there are two different unscramble word games.

In Word Unscramble, The object  is to rearrange the letters to form each of your spelling or vocabulary words. To form the words, you may click on each letter in order or click and drag the letters into the box below. To move a letter, click on it and drag it into its new position before releasing the mouse button. Click theHint button to hear the word read aloud. Unscramble is available as an online activity or as a printable worksheet. 
You may also play Unscramble with your own list or use any of the thousands of existing lists on our site.

In sentence unscramble, the object  is to place the words in the correct order to form a complete sentence. You may click the words in order or click and drag them into the box. To rearrange the words within the box, simply click on the word you wish to move and drag and drop it into its new position. Click the Hint button to hear the sentence read aloud. Sentence Unscramble is available as an online activity or as a printable worksheet.
E-mail us at to let us know how you use this activity and we will send you a VocabularySpellingCity mouse pad!
Below are some lists for you to choose from to play the Sentence Unscramble game. You may also play Sentence Unscramble with your own list or use any of the thousands of existing lists on our site.

Lastly, there is a great unscramble word game on!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Playing with Words

No, I don't mean that you should use words that you don't understand, I'm talking about online word games.  My favorite site for word play is a Vocabulary one. And I quote:

Playing with Words

Having fun with words begins at an early age and continues through the years. From Shakespeare’s quibbles to Twain’s colloquialisms, word play is an important part of language development at any age. Whether doing a crossword puzzle or playing hangman, kids love increasing their vocabulary through fun word play games online.
Word play games are an excellent way to practice spelling, increase vocabulary and keep the mind sharp. 

Actually, you should be careful what words you play with!!!!  Many writing games are fun but my favorites are Scrabble, You've Been Sentenced, Words with Friends, and Hang Mouse.

Elementary Writing: The Writers Workshop

It seems like Writer's Workshop and Six Traits Writing are two popular approaches to learning to write in schools.  But how is a school ...