In Word Unscramble, The object is to rearrange the letters to form each of your spelling or vocabulary words. To form the words, you may click on each letter in order or click and drag the letters into the box below. To move a letter, click on it and drag it into its new position before releasing the mouse button. Click theHint button to hear the word read aloud. Unscramble is available as an online activity or as a printable worksheet.
You may also play Unscramble with your own list or use any of the thousands of existing lists on our site.
In sentence unscramble, the object is to place the words in the correct order to form a complete sentence. You may click the words in order or click and drag them into the box. To rearrange the words within the box, simply click on the word you wish to move and drag and drop it into its new position. Click the Hint button to hear the sentence read aloud. Sentence Unscramble is available as an online activity or as a printable worksheet.
E-mail us at to let us know how you use this activity and we will send you a VocabularySpellingCity mouse pad!
Below are some lists for you to choose from to play the Sentence Unscramble game. You may also play Sentence Unscramble with your own list or use any of the thousands of existing lists on our site.
Lastly, there is a great unscramble word game on!